Ballybrack-Killiney Parish

Fundraising Drive to Pay Church Repairs Debt

Please help us pay off our €200 000 debt on
Sts. Alphonsus & Columba church.
We still owe €200,000 for the repairs to the Roof & Walls
and for the re-Painting.
Thank for your all your support, Fr Richard.


ballybrack qr code


Allied Irish Bank, Cornelscourt, Dublin
IBAN: IE62 AIBK 9333 9206 8395 08
Account Number: 06839508
National Sort Code: 933392

Please make out cheques to:
Ballybrack-Killiney Parish.

Thank you!

St Colmcille Partnership of Parishes

Our new Parish Partnership known as St Colmcille Partnership of Parishes is our response to the Building Hope Project initiated by Archbishop Dermot Farrell. We are getting to know our neighbouring parishes and, with co-operation and regular contact, we will be able to meet the future challenges while maintaining the individual identities and churches we know and cherish.

It is very clear that the future will not look like the past.  Our world has changed: God is bringing forth something new among the precious treasure (Matthew 13:52 – bringing out of the storeroom new treasures as well as old).  At the beginning of 2023, Parish clergy and members from the Pastoral Councils from the six Parishes came together to form a Partnership Pastoral Council (PPC) with the intention of sharing ideas, resources and services. The role of Lay Ministry is vital as we move forward and the PPC will work with the Parish Pastoral Councils to provide training and encourage participation.  We want to encourage a spirit of inclusivity between our Parishes and encourage our Parishioners to avail of the Masses, Faith Resources and activities across the Partnership.

Read more about St Colmcille Partnership of Parishes


Archbishop Dermot Farrell, Pastoral Letter, November 2023

Servants of Consolation and Witnesses of Hope:
Ministry to the Bereaved in a Time of Change

building hope nov2023

Read Pastoral Letter Nov 2023


Our Sung Mass of Sts. Alphonsus & Columba in Madrid

Our Sung Mass of Sts. Alphonsus & Columba in Madrid

We hope you will enjoy this extract from our Mass of Sts. Alphonsus & Columba,
composed by parishioner, Carmel Keogh, and sung in Madrid, Spain, by members of our choir and Dun Laoghaire Choral Society on 7th October 2023.


Help us save our 1856 church!

The church of St. Alphonsus and Columba was built in 1856. Unfortunately, because it is exposed to the wind and rain on Killiney Hill, it is suffering from a serious water-ingress problem

About Our Parish

Welcome to the parish of Ballybrack-Killiney, which is grouped with the parish of Loughlinstown. There are 3 churches in the parish of Ballybrack-Killiney,

Webcam for Church of Sts. Alphonsus & Columba

Mass will be broadcast online on the internet via the parish webcam for Sts Alphonsus & Columba Church.

New Sunday Missalette

A new Sunday Missalette will be available for you to download every Sunday in our newsletter section.

Webcam for Church of the Apostles

Mass will be broadcast online on the internet via the parish webcam for the Church of the Apostles.

Mass Times

A list of mass times is available for Sts Alphonsus & Columba church, Church of the Apostles and the Church of St. Stephen.

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ACCORD Dublin has launched a new website. For Sacramental Marriage Preparation Courses or for Relationship Counselling please visit