The parish of Ballybrack-Killiney recognises and upholds the dignity and rights of all children and vulnerable adults. It is committed to ensuring their safety and well-being and it works in partnership with parents/guardians and the Diocesan and State authorities to do this. The parish implements the child safeguarding policy of the Irish Catholic Church as set out in Safeguarding Children: Policy and Standards for the Catholic Church in Ireland, 2016 (hyperlink:
All our priests, staff, ministers and volunteers have undergone safeguarding and protection training to make sure they protect children and vulnerable adults through promoting their welfare, health, and development in a safe and caring environment which supports their best interests and prevents abuse. Where required, parish personnel have been Garda vetted.
Our Safeguarding Representative is John Shelly who is contactable through the parish office.
If you have any concern about parish interactions with children or vulnerable adults, you may contact:
Our Safeguarding Representative through the parish office
The Designated Liaison person at the Dublin Diocesan Safeguarding and Protection Service, 20 - 23 Arran Quay Dublin D07XK85 018360314
TUSLA at the Department of Social Welfare, Dun Laoghaire 019213400
An Garda Siochana, Shankhill 016665900