Sunday Missalette 27th September 2020
Twenty - Sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time 27th September 2020
World Day of Migrants and Refugees We need the faith and example of each other for our faith to grow strong. Our faith is shared; its depth depends on how we share that faith with one another.
Sunday Missalette 20th September 2020
Twenty - Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time 20th September 2020
It is not easy to understand the mind of God. He sees goodness where we see none; he showers blessings where none seem to be deserved. Yet even with our limited vision we can be sure he is near us whenever we call him.
Sunday Missalette 13th September 2020
Twenty - Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time 13th September 2020
It is not easy to understand the mind of God. He sees goodness where we see none; he showers blessings where none seem to be deserved. Yet even with our limited vision we can be sure he is near us whenever we call him.
Sunday Missalette 6th September 2020
Twenty - Third Sunday in Ordinary Time 6th September 2020
The gospel message is one of joy, rooted in the love and care of Christ for everyone. Today Jesus spells out our Christian family duty - to have a responsibility towards each other: we cannot stand by idly and watch others harm themselves.
Sunday Missalette 30th August 2020
Twenty - Second Sunday in Ordinary Time 30th August 2020
All the laws, customs and regulations of religion have only one end: to love God and our neighbour. Jesus is adamant that love is at the heart of true religion.
Sunday Missalette 23rd August 2020
Twenty-First Sunday in Ordinary Time 23rd August 2020
The gift of Jesus in the Eucharist is a promise of his company forever in heaven. We share in his life now, and after our death in a new and different way. This is the joy and certainty of our faith.
Sunday Missalette 16th August 2020
Twentieth Sunday in Ordinary Time 16th August 2020
The gift of Jesus in the Eucharist is a promise of his company forever in heaven. We share in his life now, and after our death in a new and different way. This is the joy and certainty of our faith.
Sunday Missalette 9th August 2020
Nineteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time 9th August 2020
At times God is to be found where we least expect him. He appears in joy and anguish, in the mountain breeze and the sea storm. In our prayer we need the patience to wait for God to speak to us, and the faith to walk towards him when he calls.
Sunday Missalette 2nd August 2020
Eighteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time 2nd August 2020
The gift of Jesus is different to material wealth; It is more than that. He Promises meaning to life, hope, love that is everlasting He promises himself in friendship to us.
Sunday Missalette 26th July 2020
Seventeenth Sunday in Ordinary Time 26th July 2020
We choose good or evil often in our lives. To follow something good, we reject paths which are less good. Following Christ means saying ‘No’ to other riches. The gospel today is a call to be joyful in giving up our bad habits for Jesus.
Sunday Missalette 19th July 2020
Sixteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time 19th July 2020
God knows the good and evil in a person’s heart and accepts both in us. He knows our struggles over evil and he both heals and forgives the wrong-doing in our lives.